Betul Gemalmaz M.Sc., PMP
Betül Gemalmaz has had a diverse career spanning various industries and corporate roles ranging from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies such as The Coca-Cola Company and Microsoft Corporation. During her tenure in the business world she has worked on projects such as the establishment of Coca-Cola Joint Ventures in Romania and Efes Breweries Joint ventures in Romania and Russia. She has first-hand experience in fields such as Planning and Budgeting Systems, Information Technology Solutions, Company Valuation, International Finance, Business Modeling and Decision Making Tools, Offshore Investment, Microsoft Technologies and Solutions, as well as Business Consulting and Corporate Training. Betül Gemalmaz has degrees in Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences and has studied Entrepreneurship and Change Management at post-graduate level. Central to her consulting and corporate training approach is lean deployment of working knowledge and expertise using “on-the-job” learning/consulting solutions. Betül Gemalmaz is currently Founder and Executive Director at Capsim Turkey, focusing on new approaches to Experiential Learning in Academic and Corporate Development. Under the brand of Praxis Betül is expanding, with her team, Digital Age Learning solutions in wider areas of geographical and practical application.

Betul Gemalmaz M.Sc., PMP

Betül Gemalmaz has had a diverse career spanning various industries and corporate roles ranging from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies such as The Coca-Cola Company and Microsoft Corporation. During her tenure in the business world she has worked on projects such as the establishment of Coca-Cola Joint Ventures in Romania and Efes Breweries Joint ventures in Romania and Russia. She has first-hand experience in fields such as Planning and Budgeting Systems, Information Technology Solutions, Company Valuation, International Finance, Business Modeling and Decision Making Tools, Offshore Investment, Microsoft Technologies and Solutions, as well as Business Consulting and Corporate Training. Betül Gemalmaz has degrees in Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences and has studied Entrepreneurship and Change Management at post-graduate level. Central to her consulting and corporate training approach is lean deployment of working knowledge and expertise using “on-the-job” learning/consulting solutions. Betül Gemalmaz is currently Founder and Executive Director at Capsim Turkey, focusing on new approaches to Experiential Learning in Academic and Corporate Development. Under the brand of Praxis Betül is expanding, with her team, Digital Age Learning solutions in wider areas of geographical and practical application.